Saturday, May 17, 2014

Shea the Werewolf - 4

Entry 4 - December 20th, 2012
Something incredibly weird with Shea today. Normally I'd attribute it to the holidays as he gets really hyper around then. But while I was out with Shea and a couple of his friends at the park watching him play basketball, I saw him bolt after a squirrel. And he caught it. And ate it.


“Shea, what on earth are you doin'?!” I shouted, after chasing him down and catching him in the midst of his meal.

Shea just looked at me, pupils dilated so small that you could see the color of his eyes clearly, then lunged out at me.

I gasped out loud and tried to run the other way, but he was far too fast for me to get away from him. He was normally fast, but how fast he was on that day was not normal at all.

One of Shea’s friends, Deshawn, saw as Shea chased me out into the open field of the park and pinned me down and called out, “Shea, what the hell?!”

“Shawn, Shawn! Please help! Please!” I pleaded desperately, eyes wide in fear.

Deshawn ran over to help me off the ground, but before he could stoop over, Shea snarled at him.

Angry, Deshawn smacked him in the face. “Fuckin’ snap out of it, man!” He shouted. I guess that must’ve triggered something in him because once he was smacked, he fell unconscious on top of me.

“You alright, Bonny?” He asked, trying to haul Shea's bony body off of me, while I pushed to get out from under. He's a skinny lad, believe me, but he is much heavier than he looks. That day he seemed a lot heavier, though, as if he put on muscle overnight.

I was still trying to catch my breath after that ordeal, as I sat down and wiped my brother's drool of my cheek. “... Yeh, I'll be fine, I think.” I looked at Shea, who Deshawn had half-propped up but was hanging limply still. “What about Shea, though? He was... acting really strange. It was weird of him to just fall like that as well.”

“I di'nt think I hit him that hard, it was more of a tap.” Deshawn said, trying to keep Shea standing up, but his head lolled to the side.

Here, I'll help. Let's get him back to the house. I think he might've just passed out from lack of sleep. He's been skippin' out lately.” I said, then went over to support the other side of Shea. Then we started walking back home.

“He did seem a li'l out of it when we were playin' ball.”

Suddenly, Shea opened his eyes a little.  “What happened...?” He asked groggily. He almost sounded hung-over, and if he was the past week... well, it certainly explained his behavior.

You passed out on the basketball court, we're taking you home so you can sleep.

“I don't remember playin' basketball today...” Shea muttered.

“Don't worry about it, Shea. Just relax, a'ight, man?” Deshawn said.

“F-fine...” Shea said weakly, then drooped down again.

“Jesus, he's more out of it than I thought.” I said, as we rounded the corner and went up the driveway. “Thank you for helping me get him home.”

“Aww, shit. It's not a problem, really.”

Deshawn went home, and I took Shea to the couch and watched over him, pondering what the hell could be going on.

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